The Fear Exchange
I have awakened each of the last few mornings sorting out my dreams from reality. Normally that is an easy task, but in light of the world turned upside down and inside out with the pandemic we are facing, it has not been that simple lately. I have to remind myself that this is not a dream. This, I'm sure, is something many of you have had to do too. Not just recently, but throughout your life, but there is something about a world wide crisis that changes the dynamic. I have and am currently living a crisis of health in our home, but when a crisis seeps into the streets, the minds, the every waking thought of the world, how do we then live?
As I pondered this thought, thankfully the Holy Spirit brought back to my mind and heart some amazing thoughts on a familiar verse that were simmering in my mind just a few months ago. I am eager to share them with you.
I don't remember the reason or event of a few months ago, but I was quoting the verse, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" 2 Tim. 1:7 (KJV) I kept saying it to myself as if it were just going to make me feel better, without dissecting the meaning. The Word does not return void and as I prayed for peace, the words were illuminated in my heart. The words I was repeating by memory were life giving and although I know that all scripture is inspired by God, there are certain ones that you come across that you are so keenly aware a man could have never dreamed up the depth and riches that these words have.
Two sets of three ideas jumped out to me.
First: Fear is a spirit that takes away Peace. When we are fearful all things are foggy and scary and it is as if we have a starring role in a horror film. Looking anxiously about so we will be ready to attack.
Second: Fear is a spirit that takes away Love. As evidenced in any natural disaster and now biological disaster, when we fear, we panic, we buy up all the things for ourselves, we are in self preservation mode. When as Christians we are to be little Christ's loving others more than ourselves.
Third: Fear is a spirit that takes away a Sound Mind. A sound mind goes out the window when fear
takes over. Fear makes us skeptical of others. Fear makes people irrationally stock up on water and snack cakes during a hurricane, milk and bread during a snow storm, and now toilet paper during a respiratory virus pandemic! Just read that last sentence again, laugh then shake your head at the nonsense humanity has come up with in the most advanced period of history! All of it goes to the root of fear.
The Good News: If you are a believer in Jesus and have asked Him for forgiveness of sins and made Him your Savior, you have not been given the Spirit of Fear. You have been enlisted in an exchange program that gave you Power, Love, and a Sound Mind! Here's the part that amazed me as I meditated on this. Why three things for one? Because when you are a Christian. You have access to the Father through the Son, and you are indwelled with the Comforter: The Holy Spirit!
Under inspiration, Paul wrote this!
First: God is Power! When we fear we are weak, we feel like a small child lost and alone, but when we realize God gave us His Spirit, His power, we are overwhelmed with peace and not fear! Take some time to just search the word Power in the Old and New Testaments. The amazing displays of power in the Old give us perspective on what we have access to when we become God's children in the New Testament. Pick any book written by Paul under the inspiration of the holy Spirit and you will see words like: Power, In Him, Through Him, all this power is available to us! We need not fear!
Second: God is Love! When Jesus came to earth, God showed His love to us and while we were sinners, He died for us! When we know Christ, we know true Love. Fear tries to steal love, but Jesus takes away fear and gives us supernatural love for others.
Third: God is Wisdom and gives us a sound mind by indwelling us with the Holy Spirit. In a world gone mad and as I mentioned above, toilet paper shortages gone amuck, a sound mind is a treasure. We need more people in public leadership and private life with sound minds. A sound mind doesn't run around screaming that the sky is falling nor does it believe those who say it is falling (at least without further investigation). A sound mind knows who to trust even if the sky is falling. A sound mind is kept in perfect Peace because their mind is on God. God is ultimately in control.
So for today, remember this verse in Timothy. God can exchange your FEAR for His Power, His Love, and His Sound Mind! The Trinity, right there in a small verse. The Trinity accessible to God's Children!
When someone asks you why you aren't wringing your hands in terror, just tell them about Jesus and how he took it all so that you might live in Peace. Tell them about an amazing Fear Exchange Program. It's a free gift.
As I pondered this thought, thankfully the Holy Spirit brought back to my mind and heart some amazing thoughts on a familiar verse that were simmering in my mind just a few months ago. I am eager to share them with you.
I don't remember the reason or event of a few months ago, but I was quoting the verse, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" 2 Tim. 1:7 (KJV) I kept saying it to myself as if it were just going to make me feel better, without dissecting the meaning. The Word does not return void and as I prayed for peace, the words were illuminated in my heart. The words I was repeating by memory were life giving and although I know that all scripture is inspired by God, there are certain ones that you come across that you are so keenly aware a man could have never dreamed up the depth and riches that these words have.
Two sets of three ideas jumped out to me.
First: Fear is a spirit that takes away Peace. When we are fearful all things are foggy and scary and it is as if we have a starring role in a horror film. Looking anxiously about so we will be ready to attack.

Third: Fear is a spirit that takes away a Sound Mind. A sound mind goes out the window when fear
takes over. Fear makes us skeptical of others. Fear makes people irrationally stock up on water and snack cakes during a hurricane, milk and bread during a snow storm, and now toilet paper during a respiratory virus pandemic! Just read that last sentence again, laugh then shake your head at the nonsense humanity has come up with in the most advanced period of history! All of it goes to the root of fear.
The Good News: If you are a believer in Jesus and have asked Him for forgiveness of sins and made Him your Savior, you have not been given the Spirit of Fear. You have been enlisted in an exchange program that gave you Power, Love, and a Sound Mind! Here's the part that amazed me as I meditated on this. Why three things for one? Because when you are a Christian. You have access to the Father through the Son, and you are indwelled with the Comforter: The Holy Spirit!
Under inspiration, Paul wrote this!
First: God is Power! When we fear we are weak, we feel like a small child lost and alone, but when we realize God gave us His Spirit, His power, we are overwhelmed with peace and not fear! Take some time to just search the word Power in the Old and New Testaments. The amazing displays of power in the Old give us perspective on what we have access to when we become God's children in the New Testament. Pick any book written by Paul under the inspiration of the holy Spirit and you will see words like: Power, In Him, Through Him, all this power is available to us! We need not fear!
Second: God is Love! When Jesus came to earth, God showed His love to us and while we were sinners, He died for us! When we know Christ, we know true Love. Fear tries to steal love, but Jesus takes away fear and gives us supernatural love for others.
Third: God is Wisdom and gives us a sound mind by indwelling us with the Holy Spirit. In a world gone mad and as I mentioned above, toilet paper shortages gone amuck, a sound mind is a treasure. We need more people in public leadership and private life with sound minds. A sound mind doesn't run around screaming that the sky is falling nor does it believe those who say it is falling (at least without further investigation). A sound mind knows who to trust even if the sky is falling. A sound mind is kept in perfect Peace because their mind is on God. God is ultimately in control.
So for today, remember this verse in Timothy. God can exchange your FEAR for His Power, His Love, and His Sound Mind! The Trinity, right there in a small verse. The Trinity accessible to God's Children!

Melissa, you are an inspiration. Knowing what you have survived and continue to face daily, your words have tremendous impact. I think of the Prayer of Assisi. May Heaven’s Gate open and flood your Spirit with Peace only He can give. I love you,