To All the Dreamers Who’ve Been Squashed!

Watching the rug get pulled out from under everyone at this time is heartbreaking. I’ve seen many commenting on Seniors not having their senior year and delayed graduation. There are also all the those who are watching their young dreams crumble before their eyes: dream jobs, businesses, bank accounts. Left feeling penniless and without hope. In April of 1991, my teenage self was forced into quarantine, stopped going to school, lost my hair, lost my health: I was diagnosed with a deadly cancer and the similarities to what that event was like on a personal level and now a national level with people losing so much has been rolling around in my heart and mind.  As hard as that was in 1991 I can look back and say: if not for that experience I would not know God the way I know Him and I am changed forever....
 As I look at this massive event I keep thinking this is a time to be excited. Before you click off of this or want to click me off, just listen.  Every time you see a society shift or a catastrophic event happen, God is working to show you things you would never have seen otherwise.  Be excited.
Think of your Bible heroes: Joseph, Daniel, David, Esther...all youths whose young lives and dreams were shattered and sent spiraling out of control. But God! He had a plan for them and it was an exciting one. 
With Joseph he had huge dreams that he shared with his brothers. He had that gut feeling he’d be somebody one day but that all melted away as soon as he was thrown into a pit by those same, jealous brothers. Then he may have seen hope springing up as he began to work his way to the top at Potiphar’s place and bam! One lie later: Prison! Finally, he interpreted dreams and that’s was his one shot...crickets, he’s forgotten about and left in the dungeon for just a little longer until the precise moment when Pharaoh and the world needed  him. 
The same can be said for Daniel, Esther, and the young shepherd boy, David. All taken from their circumstances, had events thrust on them, laid aside for a while to then be used by God. When the world is in an upheaval look for the hand of God. Trust him when you are in the dungeons of life. It’s so hard, but remain faithful and you will be like the tree planted by the waters... “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD And whose trust is the LORD. For he will be like a tree planted by the water, That extends its roots by a stream And will not fear when the heat comes; But its leaves will be green, And it will not be anxious in a year of drought Nor cease to yield fruit.”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭17:7-8‬ ‭NASB‬‬
When crisis comes, it’s a wake call reminder, you are in the middle of a very exciting story. Trust the author and finisher of our faith!
-Melissa Pyle


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