


June 17, 1972
Two people,
Vowed to piece their souls together
And young life
Went walking into seasons never forecasted
Sickness and health,
Wealth without price tag paved the path of pieces…
Walls echoing laughter, displaying artwork,
Holding smudges, melting grudges,
Encasing dreams…
Daydreams coming to life-day after day
night after night
Station wagons, laundry lines,
Long hauls, deliveries,
Beach days, Sunday nights,
BBQs, open doors, grilled cheeses,
Duck parks, dreamettes, small tv sets…
Love on Lane
King & Queen on Kingsbury
Allendale holds lots of tales…
Exline was a rewind
Sandpoint a new direction…
From the mundane to the mustangs
and everything in between
The pieces are placed-
From moment to minute to hour
To day-month-years
18,262 days in pieces
Engraved in heart,
felt in soul, with hard work,
through warm tears,
The Miracle Mosaic
The Decision to Say
“I Do”
The Perfectly imperfect
Transformed 50 Years of Pieces into
A Masterpiece of a Lifetime
-Melissa Pyle
Written June 17, 2022 for my parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary

Sent from my iPhone


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